ISICO accepts manuscripts with the type of full paper written according to the Procedia Computer Science manuscript template that we provide below. All papers should:
Report original work not previously published. All submitted manuscript will be checked first for plagiarism by using iThenticate software. Manuscript with similarity score > 25% won't be submitted for the review process.
Address topics relevant to the ISICO 2023 scopes (see Call for Paper page)
Clearly state the contribution(s) in the paper and abstract
The reference style is 3a Embellished Vancouver / 3 Vancouver Numbered as shown in the template.
For the review process, the authors should not put their names and affiliations on the submitted manuscript.
All accepted papers will be published by Procedia Computer Science and indexed by SCOPUS. Procedia Computer Science is openly available at The Scimagojr H-Index for Procedia Computer Science is 92.