Dr. Torsten Reiners
Dr Torsten Reiners is a project leader on the OLT Grant (2012) “Development of an authentic training environment to support skill acquisition in Logistics & Supply Chain Management” and participated in VirtualPREX (ALTC grant, lead is Sue Gregory). He participated in multiple projects to use 3D spaces for learning support; i.e. to improve the authenticity of learning in classes about
production and simulation as well as developing a theoretical framework for authentic and immersive education with gamified elements. Recent research interests include disruptive technology in the supply chain, the relation of deception and sustainability on the impact on consumer, event studies on the impact of sustainability practice implementations, and big data analytics. The over 100 publications include published journal articles in reputable journals; i.e European Journal of Operation Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, and Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.