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ISICO 2023 Workshop

Dear colleagues,.

We gladly invite you to participate in ISICO 2023 Workshop held by the Department of Information Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), in collaboration with AISINDO and MyAIS.

Date: 26-27 July 2023
Venue: Hybrid (Online & Offline at Prama Sanur Beach Bali Hotel)
1) Introduction to SmartPLS: A Variance Based SEM (26 July 2023) - Prof. T. Ramayah (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
2) Academic Research for Industry Perspective: Design Science Research Approach (27 July 2023) - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nazir Ahmad (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
- 1 workshop: USD 20 / IDR 200.000
- 2 workshops: USD 30 / IDR 300.000

Apart from seminars and workshops, during ISICO 2023 there will also be a meet and greet with the Global AIS President, AISINDO, and MyAIS. There will be a light discussion regarding the IS curriculum, AIS programs, and collaboration. This event will be held offline (on-site at Prama Sanur Beach Bali Hotel) on July 27th 2023 and free for all ISICO 2023 participants.

For more information, please visit https://isico.info/.

We look forward to welcoming you to ISICO 2023.

Sincerely yours,
ISICO 2023 Committee

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